Devyn LaBella

3 of the Best Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do

Resistance band exercises are amazing! They can even be more effective than weight training in some cases. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can get an amazing workout with the Super Loop band featured in the August 5-item box from Ellie. 

Shout out to Devyn LaBella for demonstrating 3 amazing resistance band workouts that you can do just about anywhere. 

Oblique Twists - 3 sets, 20 reps each side
 Oblique Twists

When it comes to working your obliques, think tighten and twist. Twisting your torso from side-to-side while tightening your core muscles are some of the most effective oblique exercises you can do. 

How To:

  1. Attach one end your Super Loop Band to a fixed object at about waist height.
  2. Stand to one side of the object, feet shoulder-width apart, and grasp the free end of the band with both hands.
  3. Extend your arms in front of your chest with your knees slightly bent and toes facing straight ahead.
  4. Squeeze your abs and obliques and rotate your head, torso and arms to the left.
  5. Repeat for a total of three sets of 20 reps each, then switch to the other side and repeat.

Tricep Pulldowns - 3 sets, 12 reps each side

Tricep Pulldowns

The resistance band tricep pulldown is a resistance band exercise that primarily targets the triceps. Additionaly, to a smaller degree, it also targets the chest, forearms, and shoulders. To make things even better, the only equipment needed for this exercise is the Super Loop Band and a fixed object to attach the band to. 

How To:

  1. Place a resistance band around a fixed object.
  2. Grab the resistance band with both hands just below chest height.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your side and drive your hands down towards your waist.
  4. Bring your hands back up to just below chest height.
  5. Repeat for a total of three sets of 12 reps.
Glute Kickbacks - 3 sets, 20 reps each leg
Glute Kickbacks


The standing resistance band glute kickback is a pilates and resistance band exercise that primarily targets the glutes. 

How To:

  1. Put the band around your right foot.
  2. Grasp the fixed object and stand back far enough so there is tension in the band.
  3. Keep your leg straight and kickback as far as you can and then bring your leg back, keeping tension in the band.
  4. Repeat for a total of three sets of 20 reps each, then switch to the other side and repeat.

Now you give it a try.

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