It’s National Autism Awareness Month

It’s National Autism Awareness Month

April is National Autism Acceptance Month, a time to raise public awareness, promote accessibility and inclusivity, and celebrate the diversity and unique abilities of people on the autism spectrum.

Autism is a neurological condition that affects behavior, communication, and social interaction. While it can present challenges, it’s important to focus instead on the strengths and capabilities of individuals with autism. So today we’ll be exploring a few ways fitness specifically can benefit someone on the spectrum…

Better Physical Health: Sensory sensitivities may make participating in physical activities a little more challenging for individuals with autism than for neurotypical people, but with the right accommodations and support, they can also exercise regularly and reap the benefits, which include improved muscle strength, coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health.

Improved Mental Health: Fitness can have a positive impact on mental and emotional wellness as well. Exercise has been shown to reduce depression, which is a common challenge for neurodivergent people. Participating in fitness activities can help boost confidence and self-esteem over time as individuals see improvements in their physical abilities.

Reduced Stress: On a related note, fitness can also be an effective way to reduce stress, which is important for individuals with autism who may experience heightened levels of anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters that can help promote relaxation.

Improved Social Skills: Another benefit of fitness for individuals with autism is the opportunity for social interaction. Group activities like team sports and exercise classes involve working alongside teammates and classmates in a structured setting, which can help develop skills in communication and cooperation.